Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Quick Tip Tuesday

Lately I've been hearing more and more about the red lipstick trick for hiding under eye circles.  For those of you who don't know what I'm talking about, I'll explain.  Apparently, one of the most effective ways to conceal dark under eye circles is to apply a red lipstick.  But, does it work?

So, I went on a research hunt and trying many different ways to apply the lipstick to see how well it works.  This is what I came up with:

First, choose a red lipstick that has some orange undertones in it.  You do not want to use a cool-tone red, trust me!

Second, the application technique can vary, but I found the best way for me personally.

The play-by-play:
1.  With a clean face, I started with a facial primer, making sure to get it on the under eye area.
2. Using a large fluffy concealer brush (I used the Sephora Pro Airbrush Concealer brush) I applied the red lipstick.  I ran the brush through the lipstick, then applied it to my undereye.  Do not apply the lipstick from the bullet directly onto your undereye.  This will make it too intense and much harder to blend.  The brush will give you a softer application.
3.  I then applied my foundation and my usual lightweight undereye concealer as I would normally.

When applied properly, this is a pretty good trick.  I definitely saw a difference in the appearance of my pretty dark undereye circles.

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